Concussed in the Blink of an Eye

My name is Alexa Pepper and I am currently Communications Director at Ski Quebec Alpin, Quebec's Alpine Ski Federation. At 24 years old, I am fortunate to be able to marry a passion for sports, and more specifically my experience as a skier and coach, with a communications background and a particular focus on social media. I am responsible for creating marketing tools for the federation, its partners, and participants alike.

How did you receive your brain injury?

I received my brain injury while road biking. I completely blacked out so I do not remember the details, which was the scariest part for me. I must have hit a pothole and flew over my handle bars, landing on my upper right side. My head and collar bone area received the entire impact. I was VERY fortunate to be riding with the Quebec Ski Team who handled the situation immaculately. An ambulance was called and I was brought to the hospital where they diagnosed my concussion along with a badly fractured collar bone which required surgery. I was operated on the next day and began the recovery process. Although a helmet doesn’t prevent a concussion, the doctors were clear that my helmet saved my life.

What symptoms did you endure?

My concussion symptoms were severe. I suffered from short term memory loss, confusion, bad nausea and migraines to name a few. In addition, I was sensitive to light and noise for 10 days or so. I managed my symptoms by following my protocol. What helped me in a sense, was my clavicle injury which forced me to stay in bed doing absolutely nothing. I stayed away from all of my triggers for 10 days: no work, no screens, no exposure to light or noise. I prioritized rest and communicated my needs to those who surrounded me. I also made sure to eat healthy and stay very hydrated because of all the medication I was on. Mentally, what helped me was short visits from friends and loved ones once I felt strong enough to receive them. I am very thankful to all of those who reached out!

Did you notice any struggles/setbacks during your recovery?

I have been struggling with recovery as far as not being able to practice sports and be active. A set back I had was after watching a movie two weeks after the accident. A severe migraine followed and I was clearly not ready for that much screen time.

Any inspiration that helped you push through your recovery?

The inspiration that helped me push through recovery was knowing that I would eventually feel better. I look up to athletes like my friend Valerie Grenier who went through very painful injuries and came back even stronger.

What motivation would you tell someone if they received a concussion?

I would tell anyone that receives a concussion to listen to their doctors and follow their protocol. This is easier said than done, however doing this is what helped me recover. I am very thankful for the team of people who are following me and helping me recover. As someone who works in the sports industry I cannot stress this enough. Recovering from a concussion takes time and you cannot be too hard on yourself.


Conquering Concussions: From Struggling to Studying


Seeing the Light